
Domestic Witche's cleaning rules!

So I borrowed this from the Domestic Witch, really for myself more than anything else, I need to get organized.

The Domestic Witch Homekeeping guide will include the following daily tasks:
Wash and fold 1 load of laundry
Wash 1 load of dishes
10 Minute Family Pick Up
1 area of the house to clean (changes daily)
Domestic Witchery Bonus (changes weekly)

The first two, Laundry & Dishes are self explanatory, most families need to wash one load of clothes day and need to load and empty the dishwasher once a day.

The 10 Minute Family Pick Up is 10 minutes of the day when the whole family goes around the house putting away anything out of place. Working together gets a lot done in a short period of time. The time limit is fun and a big relief from being overwhelmed! This is best done in the evening before TV time or bed time. At our house, to measure the time, we crank out 2 of our current favorite songs. When the music stops, so does the pick up!

The fourth daily task is an area of your house to clean; most should only take 5 to 10 minutes. Kitchen and bathroom are cleaned weekly. All other rooms are cleaned twice a month. Mop once a month. Review the guide below for the complete list of areas cleaned during a month. 1 = the 1st day of the month. The sidebar guide will automatically change daily.

1 - Clean Dining Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

2 - Clean Bedroom 1 - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

3 - Clean a drawer, shelf or corner - Pick out small area to thin out and organize. A junk drawer or a sock drawer, a closet shelf or a corner cabinet; just one small space that could use tidying up. Go through the area and get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful.

4 - Clean Kitchen - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

5 - Clean Family Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

6 - Clean Office - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

7 - Clean Bathroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

8 - Clean Sitting Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

9 - Clean Master bedroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

10 - Clean Kitchen - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

11 - Clean a drawer, shelf or corner - Pick out small area to thin out and organize. A junk drawer or a sock drawer, a closet shelf or a corner cabinet; just one small space that could use tidying up. Go through the area and get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful.

12 - Clean Bathroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

13 - Clean Utility Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

14 - Clean Basement - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

15 - Clean a drawer, shelf or corner - Pick out small area to thin out and organize. A junk drawer or a sock drawer, a closet shelf or a corner cabinet; just one small space that could use tidying up. Go through the area and get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful.

16 - Clean Bedroom 2 - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

17 - Clean Kitchen - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

18 - Clean Bathroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

19 - Clean Family Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

20 - Mop - Sweep and mop any areas in your home that can be mopped.

21 - Clean Office - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

22 - Clean Bathroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

23 - Clean a drawer, shelf or corner - Pick out small area to thin out and organize. A junk drawer or a sock drawer, a closet shelf or a corner cabinet; just one small space that could use tidying up. Go through the area and get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful.

24 - Clean Kitchen - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

25 - Clean Sitting Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

26 - Clean Utility Room - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

27 - Clean Basement - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

28 - Clean Master bedroom - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

29 - Clean Kitchen - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

30 - Clean Bedroom 2 - Wipe down all surfaces. Sweep/vacuum.

31 - Clean a drawer, shelf or corner - Pick out small area to thin out and organize. A junk drawer or a sock drawer, a closet shelf or a corner cabinet; just one small space that could use tidying up. Go through the area and get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful.

This guide is based on an "average house" of 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, basement, utility room, dining room, kitchen, family room, sitting room and office. Customize this guide to your own home layout: i.e. if you don't have a basement but have 4 bedrooms, use the basement day to clean the fourth bedroom. Post yourself a note in the comment section of your personal customizations.

Lastly, the Domestic Witchery Bonus weaves magic into the mundane with a bewitching homekeeping suggestion that changes weekly.

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